Our dentists and team make great effort to educate your teenager on the best ways to keep their teeth clean and what snacks and drinks to choose to avoid cavities and swollen gums. They have many tools and ideas on how to make teenagers more responsible for their oral health without making them feel lectured. This is also a time to evaluate wisdom teeth and coordinate care with their orthodontist.

Here are a few tips to help you get your child through their teenage years free from cavities and other dental problems:
- Encourage them to take good care of their teeth. This includes brushing and flossing at home as well as receiving preventive care from our dentists.
- Set a good example. If you are taking good care of your teeth, your teenager will be more likely to follow your example.
- Keep plenty of oral health care supplies on hand, such as toothbrushes, floss and toothpaste.
- Help your teenager eat a more balanced diet by keeping lots of fruits and vegetables on hand. Try to avoid keeping or purchasing large quantities of junk food.
- Speak with your teen about the dangers of smoking, oral piercings and other health hazards.
- Appeal to your teenager’s self-confidence. Teens are often concerned about their appearance. Appealing to their image is a good way to encourage them to take good care of their teeth and smile.
If you have any questions or if you want to set up an appointment with our dentists, give us a call today.